Thursday, November 10, 2011

Senate votes down anti-Net Neutrality resolution

I suppose Obama won't have the chance to veto the bill after all.

The US Senate has decided the Federal Communications Commission's Net Neutrality rules are OK after all. Senators voted down S.J. Res 6 ("Disapproval of Federal Communications Commission Rule Regulating the Internet and Broadband Industry Practices") which criticized the FCC's rules, 52-46 on Thursday morning. President Obama had threatened to veto the resolution had it landed on his desk.
The Senate's vote was cheered by advocates of Net Neutrality rules. "We are pleased that the Senate stopped this dangerous resolution in its tracks," said Free Press Action Fund President and CEO Craig Aaron in a statement. "The Senate sent a strong signal today to would-be gatekeepers that the free and open Internet needs to stay that way. The American public doesn't want phone and cable companies undercutting competition, deciding which websites will work, or censoring what people can do online."
There are still other threats to the FCC's regulatory regime, most notable lawsuits filed by telecoms opposing Net Neutrality rules.

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