Saturday, January 29, 2011

Repent Amarillo

For anyone who doesn't know, Repent Amarillo is a fundamentalist group at best, a hate mongering group at worst. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in hate speech, just like I don't believe in a hate crime. All speech is protected, all crimes should be punished equally.

But that said, some groups don't have anything productive to add to the public discourse, and Repent Amarillo is one of them.

As I was clicking around Facebook, I noticed a group existed that was very anti-Repent Amarillo. Interestingly, it also has about ten times as many 'Likes' on Facebook, which kind of tells you how niche Repent Amarillo is. But sometimes is the vocal minority that get all the attention.

Anyway, the anti-Repent Amarillo Facebook group had some pictures snitched off the Repent Amarillo FB page and website, and this was one of them:


It's a pitcure of, presumably, the 'pastor' of the 'church', and what might be his family (not sure) praying over the Amarillo Lodge building, specifically at the cornerstone.

The reason I decided to share this was because of the extreme irony in this photo that I guarantee those posing in bad-album-cover form don't even realize. Within Amarillo lodge is where the Amarillo Commandery meets, which is the apex of the York Rite in the Amarillo area. To join the Commandery, you must be a Christian! The Commandery itself is an order of Christian knighthood. This is something their so called 'pastor' would know if he read books.

1 comment:

  1. The woman on the left has got to start serious fasting; why is obesity the one sin allowed by the Fundamentalists?


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