Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Masons of Texas

I'm going to take just one post to promote the online blog and forum site Masons of Texas. It was designed with Texas Masons in mind, although we have brothers from all over the world who participate in discussion on the forums, and often times find those seeking information about joining a lodge. Family members of Masons are welcome as well.

I was recently asked to be a Moderator in the forums by the website's manager. I'm definitely honored by this, as this website hosts one of the best Masonic discussion forums on the web. Having been a Mason for such a relatively short time, I consider it even more of an honor. It's a great website, and I'm proud to serve it in what small manner that I can.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the mod team, and thanks for the mention on your blog. -JTM


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