Thursday, April 21, 2011

Business Owner Casts Reasonable Doubt on Accuracy of Speed Cameras - Washington Times

As if there wasn't any before.

Wait, so the technology isn't 100% accurate? You mean its just a money grab by your government? They would never do that, would they?

Business owner casts reasonable doubt on accuracy of speed cameras - Washington Times:

"Will Foreman has beaten the speed cameras.

Five times and counting before three different judges, the Prince George’s County business owner has used a computer and a calculation to cast reasonable doubt on the reliability of the soulless traffic enforcers.

After a judge threw out two of his tickets Wednesday, Mr. Foreman said he is confident he has exposed systemic inaccuracies in the systems that generate millions of dollars a year for town, city and county governments"
Though honestly, even all this aside, I have fewer problems with speed cameras than I do red light cameras, which have had a multitude of problems associated with them, among them increased accident rates at intersections (Study: read the abstract), and police being caught violating the traffic laws, yet no punishment being handed down for their actions.

Actually, there's a good bit of evidence that the best way to reduce accidents at intersections is simply to increased the length of the yellow light by as little as one second, reducing accidents by as much as forty percent. Yes, thats 40%! But, that doesn't generate revenue for the government, so that simple action isn't taken. In fact, some municipalities have been caught shortening yellow lights after installing red light cameras. This is your government, people.

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