Monday, November 15, 2010

My Masonic Edifice and Graduate School

So, as I've struggled to turn in my Masters work this past few months, I've come to realize that my profession isn't exactly generous with free time. It's probably not the best in terms of compatibility with a busy Masonic schedule. Which is definitely frustrating. I wish I could be more active at my lodge, and I hope I'm able to squeeze in time for the appendant bodies in the future.

But then I realize the influence Masonry has had on me and, by extension, will have on my students, for the better, and I realize that all the time is worthwhile. I have a lifetime of Masonic Education ahead of me, and while that will certainly impact all other auto didactic pursuits that I have, in the end it will truly be worthwhile.


As an aside, a little note of frustration. The $25.00 application fee for the WTAMU Graduate School annoyed me, mainly because I've been paying WT tuition for four and a half years now. But whatever, it's only $25.00 right?

Well, apparently policy has changed and I'm now required to re-audition for the Graduate School of Music, something no graduate student before now has had to do. (To my knowledge.) This is frustrating to say the least. I saw my private instructor of the last four years who said we could work something out, and I hope this is true, as I don't in any way have time to prepare a full and proper audition any time soon; student teaching is too time consuming!

But really, I've had the same private teacher for four years, she knows my capabilities. They have my GPA and course record, they know my academic capabilities. Do they really doubt my sincerity in entering upon graduate work? Kind of frustrating, but hopefully only a minor setback. Until I know for certain, I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

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