Saturday, October 2, 2010

Not Enough Hours in the Week

Mondays are fourteen hours long, Tuesdays the same. Wednesdays are nice, only up at the school then hours then. Thursdays? Those are twelve hours, and Friday's have football games, so they're typically sixteen hours long. Then either rehearsals or contests on Saturdays. Which leaves me Wednesday evenings and Sundays to take care of all the extra stuff I need to get done.

Stuff like trying to find time to order my cap and gown. (I can't make it to the WT bookstore during the day, how am I supposed to manage?) I need to sit down and find time to order graduation announcements. I need to take my GRE in case I don't get hired on in Canyon, so I have a back up plan for the next year, i.e., graduate work at WT while I tech and teach lessons with the CHS Band. (Although hopefully, I'll just get a job. I'm working on the assumption that nothing will open up, however.)

I also would love to find time for extra sectionals with my drum line. I hate pulling them out of rehearsals to work on music, because then they're missing drill work which they really need. But what options are left to me? With the lessons I teach, classes I have, and set rehearsals I've already set up, the only time I can do outside of class sectionals is Tuesday or Wednesday nights at 7:00, or Sundays. That obviously wouldn't go over well for a variety of reasons. I'm willing to give up the time, but I don't want to ask that of my students, or their parents.

I wish I had time to sit down and figure out all this graduation/graduate work stuff. I think I finally have graduation set up and good to go, but I want to be taking grad school courses in the spring (unless my dream job opens up over Christmas...) and that's a whole other test and application that I haven't even started on.

Honestly, I'm just glad I managed to squeeze my music certification test in and pass it. Squeezed it in on a Sunday no less, I was lucky. Only Sunday testing option in the panhandle this semester. I think I was blessed that opportunity was available. Now I only need another few small miracles, and my life will be on it's ideal course.

Regardless, I need another weekday to fit everything in. One where the banks aren't closed, and the world doesn't shut down like on Sundays. Because Sunday afternoons are great for rest, but just don't cut it when trying to catch up on life.

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