Wednesday, August 18, 2010


On the evening of August 17, 2010, I was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Boy, it's been a long time coming, but it made the anticipation worth it! Very excited that I am now wearing the ring that's been sitting on my desk for the past few weeks. Hopefully, sometime soonish, I would like to take a few pictures of myself dressed up in my apron, more for me than anything else; though if I do, I'll probably post a picture or two here as well.

Already have a couple of brothers dropping hints about the York Rite, which I am most certainly interested in since the brother who sponsored me is the Right Eminent Grand Commander of Texas. But as with all things in college, I think it will come down to time and [most importantly] money! Perhaps some of the brothers with real jobs will cut a deal with me, allowing me to pay them back over time... how far can you stretch the poor college student excuse in life? The Lord knows its still true in my case.

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