Thursday, August 19, 2010

Deep Breaths

If a background check is mandatory I shouldn't have to pay for it. Unless we're dealing with the government, of course.

I think what frustrates me more about it is the absolute lack of warning. If one of my friends hadn't said something, I would have walked my happy butt into the administration building of CISD and filled out the paper work, then had to walk right back out, because I can't shell out the money. I have to choose between eating and putting off my background check another week and a half? Yeah, that's a hard one.

We received an email from the education department telling us to get the background check done, where to get it done, etc, etc. But not one mention of a mandatory fee, cost, price, money, anything of the sort.

Unlike every other major on campus, I'm already student teaching. Been doing it off and on since May, hitting it hard the past two weeks. I don't have time for a job. I'm poor. Yes, probably poorer than you English Major. That poor.

I hate surprises. I hate fee surprises even more. And mandatory fee surprises just might be the most pernicious and evil of all.

To be fair, apparently this will cover the cost of the hard copy of my Teaching Certificate, once I manage to miracle the money to take my last certification test.  Why finger printing and a piece of paper cost fifty-five or sixty dollars is beyond me, other than a tax on would be educators. I guess it's the same reason my electronic certification tests, which are all multiple choice, cost $125.00 to process and email me my scores.


Yeah, most underpaid profession I think is right.

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