Monday, June 28, 2010


There's a called meeting of my lodge this Tuesday for me to turn in the remainder of my EA work. I'm actually somewhat nervous about it this time around. I've worked on the memorization less, and while I know everything I ought to know, it's simply not as solid as my first turn in. And, given how polished my first turn in was, apparently they're all expecting the same quality this time around. I think I'm prepared, but I'm somewhat nervous all the same. I want to turn it in and progress to my FC, but part of my would like to wait and work on everything till I know it by heart, without any mistakes. But, regardless, Tuesday is the day.

Coincidentally, I'm also taking my PPR exam that afternoon. I'm going to be brainfried and ready for bed come Tuesday night.

Anyway, off to study and drink hot tea. Also, last of my Earl Grey. Need to buy more.

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