Friday, July 22, 2011

UK scientists call for new agency to oversee experiments mixing human and animal cells

Get your hands off me you damn, dirty apes!

LONDON — British scientists say a new expert body should be formed to regulate experiments mixing animal and human DNA to make sure no medical or ethical boundaries are crossed.
In a report issued on Friday, scientists at the nation’s Academy of Medical Sciences said a government organization is needed to advise whether certain tests on animals that use human DNA should be pursued.
Among experimentation that might spark concern are those where human brain cells might change animal brains, those that could lead to the fertilization of human eggs in animals and any modifications of animals that might create attributes considered uniquely human, like facial features, skin or speech. 


And ok. Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic. Maybe I'm not. I'm just saying, the great monkey/human wars may be upon us. And I, for one, won't welcome our overlords.

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