Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New MacDefender Defeats Apple Security Update

Because no, Macs aren't immune to viruses or malware, and as their market share grows, the threat is only going to increase.

Apple released a security update yesterday (May 31) designed to rid Macs of the menacing MacDefender malware that has plagued users for nearly a month. But mere hours after the update, cybercriminals released a new variant of the malware that easily defeated Apple's belated security efforts.

Source article.

If anything, I think the threat to Macs is greater. They don't exactly have a lot of experience dealing with software based threats. Some people are in for a rude awakening when they begin to finally understand their primary protection has been the Mac's relatively small market share. As the market share increases, the targets on their back side increase as well. It's simply the market at work.

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