Saturday, January 21, 2017

So which is it?

Spicer's first press conference in which he appears combative, angry, and downright belligerent. He is not interested in answering questions nor informing the American people of the goings on of the Administration's first day. No, in fact he has one goal - push a false narrative, a lie.  

Within five minutes he has contradicted himself. At 1:43:

"No one had numbers."

Followed just moments later, at ~2:30, by:

"This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period. Both in person and around the globe."

Not only is he contradicting himself, but he's standing in fronting of the press corps lying through his teeth. In person, while yes, many attended, no one doubts that in person attendees were less than Obama's. A quick image search can turn up many photos of empty bleachers along the parade route.

This isn't entirely unexpected: DC isn't known as a conservative bastion and many of Trump's core constituents would have to travel a great deal to attend the happenings. Plus, as so many conservatives are quick to point out, they have to actually work for a living unlike the welfare queen liberals. Well, except for the disenfranchised rust belt voting block that lost their jobs to foreign competition. I guess they aren't working right now, contrary to the conservative talking point.

Regarding the 'around the globe' bit, a very, very quick google search will reveal Nielsen ratings showing that Trump's estimated ~30 million viewers for his 2017 inaugural address pales in comparison to Reagan's ~41 million viewers in 1981.Even Obama's first inauguration in 2009 had an estimated ~37 million viewers.

Nielsen doesn't factor in live streaming, which of course wouldn't be in play during the Reagan administration, but it certainly played a factor in President Obama's inaugurations. To pretend that Trumps inauguration was either the most attended, or the most viewed, is naive. Further, it's a petty talking point to be arguing about in front of the press.

The Real Problem

No, the real disturbing aspect of this first press conference is that the administration is already showing an extremely real disdain for the Free Press, at least a disdain for those outside of Faux News and friends. We're a hop, skip, and a jump away from losing press access to the executive branch of government, something that would have been an unthinkable consideration until recently.

The Free Press is the safeguard of our democratic republic. Once the Free Press is no more, all bets are off. Exposure, transparency, an informed electorate, these things keep us free of fascist and dictatorial aspirations in our government. The press is already under attack - anything disliked by the administration is deemed "Fake News" in an attempt to gaslight viewers into ignoring facts and believing false narratives. And these false narratives are believed.

Instead of trusting reporters and journalists who have dedicated their lives to covering 'the story', whatever that may be, people are putting their trust in unvetted and unattributed websites shared on social media that happen to align with the preconceived story that their itching ears want to hear. Facts do not matter. Truth does not matter. It's all about reinforcing one's own beliefs without any reflection or research. If the news doesn't align with your desires, just keep scrolling - eventually you'll find a website that does.

We're living in a disturbing time.

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