Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See

Personally, I'm all for sustainable living because we only have one planet, and regardless of whether or not human made climate change is real, a healthy and clean Earth is better for all of us. As a Christian I believe that we should be good stewards of the earth, and destroying it through neglect and irresponsibility is downright sinful.

Saw this video today. It's an older one, and it simplifies arguments a good deal, but it uses good old fashioned economics to make a point. It's all about opportunity cost, and the opportunity cost is simply too high given what is at stake.

Now, all that said, I'm not suddenly a bleeding heart big government liberal. I believe that people needed to be educated about the subject, and should make the right choice on their own. When things are put in perspective regarding the consequences of our actions and the burdens our children, possibly we, and certainly the rest of the human race will have to bear, I don't see how there really is a choice at all.

Be a good steward of God's creation.When it's put in those terms, no rational believer could disagree.

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