Monday, June 14, 2010

Conquering the Lighthouse Trail

On a whim, I decided to go hiking in the Canyon today. Been spending far too much time inside lately. I also noticed that it had been generally overcast with almost no rain, just a few thunderclaps. And given that today was generally cooler than the weather the preceding couple of weeks, I figured I ought to seize the day!

A gorgeous picture of the clouds starting to roll in:


The entire time I was afraid these clouds would pour on me, particularly since I didn't have a ziploc baggy for my new[ish] camera. I got lucky though, and just enjoyed the shade and the beauty.


I don't remember the exact distance, but I think I was a good mile and a half or more in before I could even see the lighthouse on the horizon:


On the final approach:


A good (long and wide) shot of the trail leading up to the lighthouse. Notice the lack of civilization anywhere in sight - gorgeous!:


A path leading up to the tip top of the lighthouse. Given how narrow and unsteady it is, and how much I don't like heights, I have yet to bring myself to tackle it:


In context, bottom right. The path leads to the very tip top left pinnacle of the formation. Only seen people up there once:


A gorgeous view of the storm front off in the distance. Never reached Canyon, but it was amazing watching the clouds swirl in the wind streams high up:


After spending some time up on the formation, had to eventually come back down. This unfortunately is easier said than done. The very steep and relatively smooth climbs associated with the last quarter mile of the hike, like the one pictured below are what make it challenging. Not physically, necessarily. There's simply nothing to hold onto in order to brace yourself, and nothing but rocks to catch yourself on if you fall.


I feel obligated to end the photos with one of Sneaky Snake. I walked by him (quite literally) on the way back from the lighthouse formation. I probably got within 1.5' or 2' before I realized he was there, did a funny little jump as if it would somehow outsmart the snake, then ran about 8' away. When I realized he hadn't moved at all, I decided to sneak back up a bit and snap a picture. I can't say for sure what type he is, but it has a strong resemblance to this guy. Especially if you look at the second picture. Maybe I got lucky today.


Definitely fun, second time I've done this by myself. Notes for next time: Bug spray and a walking stick of some sort. The bug spray is absolutely necessary because the horse flies are pretty horrendous out there. They bite. It hurts.

And a walking stick primarily for the descent from the formation. Difficult not having something to stabilize yourself on very smooth, sandy, 45% grades, heh.

Hopefully I'll have a chance to actually hike one of the other trails in the Canyon in the next week or two. (After my knees recover! About six miles round trip.) Only ever done the lighthouse in Canyon, and I'd like to experience more of it while I'm still here.

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