But the more I poke my head around the blogging world, the more I see certain trends:
- Blog only tend to get notice if you self-advertise. A lot. In other people's blogs, facebook, twitter, ad nauseum. That's decidedly not me, and I'll have a hard time ever doing it.
- Apparently, somewhere a long the lines, the invisible internet majority decided that blogs must have a ridiculously narrow focus. For example, see this blog about Jeopardy, with a hugely higher number of blogger followers than I'll ever have. Or this blog that seems to cater to all those with oil/electric energy concerns who also have a fancy for trains. It's not a recipe to success, but all the cool kids are doing it.
- Apparently all the cool kids are also into wordpress. Which, I admit, after internet research does seem more powerful, it also seems not worth the money for the full edition while blogger does everything that I need.
- Apparently having pictures in your blog posts helps make people more interested. You know, since people have such a strong aversion to reading on the internet.
- Did I mention self advertising?
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