Thursday, May 26, 2011

TSA Could Ban Flights From Texas If State Passes Anti-Patdown Law

Well, ok. The issue is already passed, and our legislature backed down. Which, honestly, I understand why, as our state is just trying to stay afloat right now with all of the budget issues. From the article:

"The bill clearly states that an agent is exempt from prosecution as long as a constitutionally sanctioned federal law directs them to perform the invasive, indecent groping searches-including touching breasts, sexual organs and buttocks," noted State Representative David Simpson (R-Longview), the bill's author.

"Instead of threatening to shut down flights in Texas, why doesn't the TSA just show us their statutory authority to grope or ogle our private parts?" asked Simpson.

"All that HB 1937 does is require that the TSA abide by the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution," Simpson continued. "We aren't even prohibiting the pat-downs, per se. We're just saying you can't go straight to third base. You have to have a reason-you have to have probable cause-before groping someone's sexual organs."

Aside from the face that Representative Simpson doesn't seem to understand what third base is, his heart is in the right place. The random aspect of the pat downs flies right in the face of the fourth amendment to the US constitution, and someone needs to challenge it in court. Contrary to what the DOJ would have you believe, the Supremacy clause isn't relevant in this case. What is relevant is that the TSA policies violate the US Constitution and they are just that, policies. Not law. You are protected from unreasonable searches and seizures without warrant under the fourth amendment, and I have yet to see a single TSA agent with even probable cause, much less a warrant. No, in fact, in their attempt to be 'fair' and random, they fly in the face of the Constitution. Where is the ACLU?

I kind of wish the legislature would have let this play out. There is no way the TSA would have cancelled all flights in and out of Texas. Our economy is way too big for them to actually do that before a major election. It would hurt the national economy and the current administrations facade far too severely. But oh well. We already backed down on threat of an empty, constitutionally ignorant, letter from the DOJ.

As an aside, has anyone heard of a single case (even one) where the pat downs actually caught a bad guy? Because every time I've heard of air terror being thwarted post TSA, it's been the efforts of civilians on the plane, and occasionally US Marshalls. The TSA has nothing to do with it. What have they prevented?

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Though I often have a fairly busy schedule of continuing my own education, providing for my students, and my personal life, I always welcome personal questions and comments. Feel free to email me at:

With any comments or queries, and I'll try to respond as soon as possible!

Terminal Moments

How often do I (you) travel to these places,
Tinged with regret?
Those moments of clarity suspended in my past
A veritable cold snap of life
The last vestiges of cycles, clinging, hanging on in our mind,
Desperate not to be forgotten.
These seminal points which help define me,
Granting me that individuality which I (we) so strongly desire.
Whether a silken strand I wish to stretch to eternity,
Or self deprecating shame from which I forever hide,
Still I return, drawn as a moth to the flame.
At opposite ends of suspension, these memories
Elevateth the soul, or crush it under harsh unyielding gravity.
Yet despite this, I still visit.
What aspect of my psyche desires this anchor?
Why is it that those points of reflection, so turbulent,
Are the moments immutable?
The past is unchanging, and I always remember
That my candle burns, the wick ever shortening,
...But even still, I loiter.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Shriners Hospital for Children - Houston

A brief, but good, article from highlighting the Houston Shriners Hospital for Children. It mentions the Khiva Shriners, from our very own Amarillo Texas, who encouraged this media coverage. You may have seen some of the Khiva Shriners wearing their fezzes out on the streets collecting donations for the Shriners Hospitals for children today in Amarillo. Or even in clown costumes, as they have a clown club. This will help you understand what the Shriners collect their money for.

Children who are qualified to be treated at a Shriners hospital are treated completely free of cost. Not one penny is spent by the patient once they're accepted. If you're looking to donate to a charity, it's hard to find a better candidate out there.

From the article:

HOUSTON -- Every journey begins with a single step, and 14-year-old Mauricio Contreras' long path to walking began when he was two years old. 
His mother, Teresa Tovias, tells us Mauricio faced numerous challenges: his back was crooked, he had difficulty sitting up straight, and couldn’t walk. She says he also couldn’t balance well.
Mauricio has cerebral palsy. He first came to Shriners Hospital in Houston from his native Coahuila, Mexico, in September 1998. The hospital is one of two nonprofit Shriners hospitals in Texas. This one specializes in orthopedic injuries, as well as cleft lip and palate. The other hospital, in Galveston, deals primarily with burn injuries.

The video is small, and loads slowly, but is worth watching. Shows the charity of the Khiva Shriners in action. Every Shriner is a Master Mason, though not every Mason is a Shriner.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Song of Woman

My eyes snap open
With a deep inhalation
I'm suddenly awake.

The silence of my room
Lends itself so well to
Clarity of thought.

That is the moment I hear it,
The voice in the distance.
Singing, beckoning,
Though she not know it.

Sweeter than the sirens song, it sings to me,
Beckoning, Harkening,

No words can describe
The beauty I hear.
When she touches your soul,
How can one think,
Much less speak

A song of beauty,
Undeniable beauty,
At such a distance,
In perpetuity.


Something I'm strongly considering setting to music.


I've been wondering if I should have a separate blog for my poetry, or if it should remain contained here. While this blog doesn't really have any particular focus other than whatever my mind fancies, I could see where the poetry is out of place and deserves it's own venue. However, I don't really want to spread myself too thin either, as I don't exactly update the two blogs I currently have as often as I should. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Looking for feedback.